Ridgmont to Woburn Sands, 29 June

Published by Crisps on

Trains:  As programme . Buy a return to Ridgmont. Euston 8.56 ( Birmingham train). Best coach to sit in is 2nd from end of the train. Change Bletchley 9.31 We have 14 minutes to cross the bridge to the Bedford platform .  9.45 to Ridgmont  ( Bedford train). Arrive Ridgmont 10.02

Trains to return to London  from Woburn Sands are hourly at 12 minutes past each hour.  We will aim for the 16.12 arriving back at Euston 17.15.  If we miss it there is a pub by the station which serves tea.

The Walk.   8 1/2 miles. Mainly flat with some gentle hills.  Shady in parts ( about 50%).  Some short stretches on roads. No stiles.

We  walk through Woburn Abbey estate past the safari park ( Beasts in evidence).

After lunch we go through Woburn up a bridleway to fields and through woodland. Finally a shady path across a golf course  and a couple more fields to reach the station at Woburn Sands.

There is no drop out point

Food. I will book a table for 8 at the Bell pub in Woburn ( cheaper than the Black Horse) – let me know if you want to eat there.  Or bring sandwiches – there is good shade  on entering Woburn.

Weather. We did the recce on Wednesday – the hottest day so far – and it was bearable. Saturday will be cooler but still warm, so bring plenty of water.  No rain forecast. Sue H

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