Hayes (Kent) Circular

SEVEN MILES. Train: Charing Cross 9.35, London Bridge 9.45. Arrive Hayes 10.20. Lunch: Keston. Leaders: Jana/Tony (NB Date changed from original programme)

Eynsford to Otford

EIGHT MILES. Train: London Blackfriars 9.10; Arrive Eynsford 9.52. (Buy return ticket to Otford) Lunch: Shoreham.  Leader: Janet (NB This is a change from published programme.)

Hammersmith to Putney Bridge

SEVEN MILES. Meet Hammersmith Tube, Flower stall (Piccadilly Line) 10.30. Lunch: Barnes Village. (NB This is a change from original programme) Leader: Daphne

Christmas lunch

There is a brief 2-mile walk before the Christmas lunch in Greenwich. Meet Sally at 10.50 at the Canary Wharf Jubilee Line entrance/exit. Tony is also offering a post-lunch walk back to Rotherhithe. 

Abbey Wood to Woolwich

SIX TO SEVEN MILES. Meet 10 am at Abbey Wood Station (Elizabeth Line). Lunch: please bring a picnic.  Leader: Patricia. Non members please contact walks@morleyramblers.uk

Coulsdon South Circular

SEVEN/EIGHT MILES. Train: London Bridge 09.59; East Croydon 10.17; arrive Coulsdon S 10.25. Lunch: Coulsdon Common. Leader: Janet

Hampton Court to West Byfleet

EIGHT MILES.Train: Waterloo 9.24. Change Surbiton (arr 9.41, leave 9.54) Hampton Court 10.01.  Lunch: Weybridge. Leader: Daphne (NB Change of date and train times from original programme)

Dorking figure-of-eight

NINE MILES.  Train:  Victoria 09.11. Arr Dorking 10.07 (stopping Clapham Junction 09.18, Balham 09.23, Epsom 09.52). Lunch Dorking. Leader: Michael C (This is a change from original programme)

Upminster Bridge to Rainham

FIVE MILES. Train: District Line to Upminster Bridge. Meet Upminster Bridge Station 10.30. Lunch: Ingrebourne Visitors Centre. Leader: Susan H  (This is a change from advertised programme)