EIGHT/NINE MILES. Train: Paddington 9.27, Change Slough, arrive Windsor and Eton Central 10.02. OR Waterloo 9.03, change Staines to rail replacement bus, arrive Windsor and Eton Riverside 10.13 and make your way to Windsor Bridge. (Please see Announcement post for more details; this is a change from original programme). Lunch: Dorney. Read more…
SIX/SEVEN MILES. Train: Charing X 9.55, Waterloo E 9.58, Tonbridge 10.43. Lunch: Tudeley Hale. Leaders: Sandra N and Johanna (NB train times changes from original programme.)
SIX/SEVEN MILES (with possible extension). Lunch: refreshments and drop outs en route. Meet Woolwich Arsenal station 10.15 Leader: Patricia. (Non-members please contact walks@morleyramblers.uk) NB meeting time changed from original programme.