TEN MILES. Train: Waterloo 8.54 arr Clandon 9.53. NB, this is an ASLEF action day. If 8.54 is not running, get 9.03, and if both earlier trains cancelled we'll get 9.33. (Buy return to Guildford) Lunch: Albury. Leader: Terry
EIGHT MILES. Meet 9.45am Wimbledon main station concourse. Lunch: Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park. Leader Sigrid (NB This is a change from published programme)
EIGHT AND A HALF MILES. Train: Victoria 8.55, East Malling 9.51. (Buy two singles, London to E Malling and E Farleigh to London (or a return to Maidstone)) Lunch: West Farleigh, bring a picnic. Leader: Tony (NB This is a change of date and some details from original programme)